Energy Saving Lamp
Do you worry about the increasing costs of electricity and other energy?
If you do, you are certainly not alone. The results of a survey carried out by the Rexel Foundation and Opinion Way indicated that 9 out of 10 people believe that fuel poverty is going to get worse. That's an incredible 90%!
As an electrician in Birmingham, one of my priorities is to ensure my customers save money on their electricity bills by installing the latest in energy saving products.
Lack of uptake on energy efficiency products
Most people are aware that there are a multitude of energy efficient products available all of which claim to save money on energy bills. Out of all survey respondents, three quarters stated they were worried about the continuous rise of energy bills, however only 68% had installed some form of energy efficient products in their home. So why is there not a bigger uptake on energy efficient products in homes?
Time and time again at Electrical Experts, I visit home owners who still have the old style light bulbs in their light fittings. Changing over to energy efficient light bulbs is very low cost and will be recouped in savings on your electricity bill. Energy saving light bulbs have around a 10 year life span, so you won't have to worry about them again for a while! I'll talk more about this later on in my blog.
According to the survey 64% said that cost considerations impacted the decision as to whether to opt for energy efficient products. 35% stated a lack of disposable income and a further 23% do not want to borrow money and get into debt in order to buy and install such products in their homes. Unfortunately many house holders think of energy saving as solar panels and wind turbines. Becoming more energy efficient doesn't need to cost you a penny, simply turning off lights when not in use and not having electrical appliances on stand by will save you money instantly.
How to save money on your electricity bill
Lighting accounts for 8% of your overall electric bill, however it can be one of the easiest ways to make saving on your energy bill.
By replacing all your light bulbs with energy efficient lamps you will start saving money straight away. Many energy companies offer to give customers an initial supply of bulbs free of charge so it is worth enquiring if your energy company offers a similar scheme. By replacing a traditional light bulb with an energy efficient compact fluorescent bulb of the same brightness, you will save £3 per year on your electric bill. Replacing halogen down lighters with LED lamps will save you £4 per year. It doesn't sound like very much, but when you consider how many light bulbs you have in your home, the savings can suddenly mount up. The advantage of using energy efficient lighting is that the savings are instant and can be used by all householders whether you own or rent your home for free or low cost.
Switching off lights when leaving the room or when they are not needed can also add to the savings you will make.
Electrical Appliances
Appliances – always look for the highest rating possible when purchasing electrical appliances – of course A rated appliances will be the cheapest to run but don't make this your only consideration. Think of the size of appliance you will need – as a guide a large 525 litre A+ rated fridge freezer will cost £54 a year to run whereas an A rated 180 litre fridge freezer would cost £39 a year to run. Consider what the needs of your household are when purchasing electrical appliances, the larger they are, the more costly the running costs. It is a waste of money powering up an appliance that is too large for your needs, that’s similar to going to work in a minibus when a small car would be fine!
Switching electrical items off when not in use will make significant savings on your energy. Most UK households 'waste' £50-£90 per year just by leaving items such as TV's, DVD's, Sky boxes, games consoles etc left on standby. Although the power consumption of many products is very low, when you think about how many electrical gadgets you actually have in your home, you will see how the costs mount up. Switching these items off completely when not in use will make instant savings without it costing you a penny to implement!
If your household is on a really tight budget, implementing the changes highlighted in today’s blog will see your energy bill start to come down without making a huge difference to how you live.
As an elecsa electrician in Birmingham, I am committed to promoting the use of the latest money saving electrical fittings and appliances. Please contact me if you are interested in saving money on your electricity.
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