Did you know that there have been some legislative changes regarding RCD protection for your home? Unless you are an electrician, the answer is probably no!
My team and I at Electrical Experts, Coventry pride ourselves on knowing our industry inside and out. We keep up with developments both legislative and technological so you can depend on us for expert, up to date advice. As your trusted, local electrician in Coventry we are here to explain why you may need to update your RCD protection.
What does an RCD do?
An RCD, or Residual Current Device, is a safety device designed to cut the flow of electricity when it detects a fault. Installed on your fuse board, it continuously monitors the circuit it is assigned to. Your RCD protects you from the risk of electric shock and fire. It can cut off the electrical supply in as little as 40 milliseconds when it detects a fault. There are several types of RCDs available. Previously the most common RCD was type AC and it is these RCDs which now need replacing.
Why do I need to change my RCD?
Modern technology can be found in all areas of the average Coventry home. Our kitchens, living rooms and even bathrooms are filled with high tech electronic devices. As mentioned earlier, type AC RCDs were previously the industry standard. They deal specifically with AC current, and this was all they would typically have been exposed to. Modern technology however can generate DC current which a type AC RCD is not equipped to handle. This means your RCD can be blinded and fail to react to a fault - with potentially fatal results. Type A RCDs are the new, improved RCD and the required standard for new installations. They can deal with both AC and DC current faults and will keep you and your family safe.
When do I need to replace my RCDs?
This legislation has only recently come into force and as such even recent fuse board changes may need revisiting. Your RCDs will likely need replacing when you have other electrical work performed to ensure both your safety and legal compliance. Any work that requires new cabling or circuits, or changes to existing circuits will need RCD type A protection. The installation of new sockets, light fittings, or an appliance such as a dishwasher are some examples. If your current fuse board cannot accommodate these changes then it will need to be upgraded too. It is of vital importance that when any such work is carried out that the electrician you choose does not attempt to cut corners and overlook the law. This could have dire consequences for your health and, should an electrical fire result, your insurance may be invalidated.
Electrical Experts are based in Coventry and are known locally as the go to, trusted experts. My team and I are fully qualified, NICEIC registered electricians. We pride ourselves on our friendly, professional, and reliable service. If your RCDs need replacing or you have any questions about replacing RCDs, call us today.